Certified Regulatory Programs - Notices of Determination
( Note: this is the new NODs posting service. For NODs published prior to December 2022, please send an email to cnralegal@resources.ca.gov )
CEQA requires agencies with Certified Regulatory Programs to file Notices of Decision (NOD) with the California Natural Resources Agency. The Agency then posts a list of the NODs in its office for a period of 30 days and makes those NODs available to the public upon written request.
The Natural Resources Agency will now accept for filing NODs for Certified Regulatory Programs submitted to the following email address: CRP-NOD@resources.ca.gov. Such notices should be submitted in a web accessible format.
All filed NODs will be posted weekly on the California Natural Resources Agency web site for a period not less than 30 days. The list of these Notices will be updated and posted weekly.
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Final Decisions NOD 2024-52
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Official Notice of Conformance for Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs), Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs:
Search the NODs- CA Air Resources Board
- CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
- CA Water Boards
- California Coastal Commission
- California Energy Commission
- Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
- Department of Pesticide Regulation
- Fish and Game Commission
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- Uncategorized
- Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs: 1-24-00148-MEN
- Notice of Proposed and Final Decisions and Public Reports Volume 2025-03
- Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs: 1-24-00157-HUM
- Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs: 2-24-00123-SHA
- Substantial Deviation to the THPs and NTMPs: 1-24-00154-SCR